Dear fans of Team YANTSU and the TrackingSanta show,

You probably wonder how we do it all every year and I will tell you the basics:

Step 1: Organize the first meeting several months beforehand.
Step 2: Keep consistent records of meetings and allow free discussion within the group meetings.
Step 3: Plan the last month ahead of time
Step 4: Finish up any advertising and planning
Step 5: Brief all members about final two days (this year on December 22)
Step 6: Test all systems one day prior (December 23)
Step 7: Track Santa all day on December 24 with NORAD Tracks Santa and complete any interviews with worldwide media
Step 8: Complete After-Action Reports and celebrate another great tracking season
Step 9: Wait until next year
Step 10: Repeat

It is a simple 10 step process that includes a lot of thorough work and dedication. All members of Team YANTSU put in almost a week in hours every year. We cover planning, debating, recording, interviews, entertainment, and best of all: Tracking. For all of us at Team YANTSU, we would like to welcome you to NORAD Tracks Santa 2011 and invite you to the TrackingSanta Show on December 24. For more information about when the show is going to take place and where, click the “Show Information” tab above this blog!

Happy Holidays,
Head of Team YANTSU 2009-2011
Team YANTSU 2009-2011