As many of you may already know, the summer time is one of the best times of the year for Team YANTSU. As we enjoy the great events from cookouts to sporting events, we wrap up the fun and get set for the summer planning for the big day in December. Headed from July into August, the team starts laying out a plan on how to best operate based on what you fans want to see and what we think we can improve on. It is crucial to get your feedback, so if you want to, please check out our “Contact Us” form if you have any great ideas or you would like to help for the event. Any publicity to get the Santa tracking experience out to the general public is a great help and we always need people to take advantage of our free advertising on our annual stream on Christmas Eve. We hope you can give us the feedback we need to make 2014 a great year not just for the show, but here on our main website as well. Head of Team YANTSU Nick Tay and Secretary Jason Strait will be doing lots of website development this year to ensure a fun and friendly experience here with us. We always make safety and fun our top priorirties around the holiday season and we will make sure our values make their way from your screen to you as the viewer. We thank you all for your continued support of our group. Make sure to spread word about our change to Ustream because of the late changes with the closing of BlogTV last year. For those of you who did see our stream, thank you so much!

We will have summer promotions coming VERY soon, so stay put and we will have those up on the website for you to see. We are going to try and spread the word for advertising super early this year, so you better bust out the Santa hats early this year because it is going to be worth it.


Patric Covey / Ganon136

Honorary Member 2014

Host of the Annual TrackingSanta Show 2009-2013

Team YANTSU 2009-2014

Want to get a hold of me?




Use the Contact Form

Photo Courtesy of Brennan Linsley / AP
