We don’t know if you have kept up with Brayden/Elezb101 or not, but his recent ad he posted 3 posts back has now gained approximately 150 viewers within two days! Congratulations on the major accomplishment Brayden! Also, the 3rd November Newsletter should be arriving here on the TrackingSanta Weebly by tomorrow. More information about this and other topics will be talked about tomorrow right here on the TrackingSanta Weebly.

Are you bored waiting for the holidays to arrive? Now you don’t have to be! Click on the “more…” tab and click on “Other Fun Websites” to find hours of entertaining history about the holidays, Christmas radio stations, and each YANTSU members personal YouTube channels. Find something interesting we don’t have? Let us know by sending us a form with the website by clicking “more…” then “Contact Us”. 

Stay tuned right here,
Head of Team YANTSU 2011-2012
Team YANTSU 2009-2012